Who Are We

Joseph Rosendaal

Road Safety Consultant

Joseph specialises in helping you and your team with TTM design, site review, roadside permanent and temporary barriers, project advise and operational advice. Joseph provides ASHTAS training for barrier system installers and inspectors

Kylie Stol

Traffic Management Consultant

From designing TMP’s through to auditing I can help you and your team from practical experience

Paul Merson

Support Services Advisor

Let me help you and your team grow understanding of practical temporary traffic management that can be easily measured to best practice


“To encompass the wider Roading Industry of Australasia with comprehensive risk aware support services for individuals and entities.  Measured by the empowerment of people and organisations, we support collaboration with education, innovation, and input to the directed evolution of our industry and the wider community.”


Our aim is to encourage all persons that we interact with, regardless of stature, with integrity and compassion. 
